January SEO Notes- The latest in the industry

The month of December posed a number of different updates that will continue to affect SEO into 2022. From a new AI language learning system to a “continuous” scroll on mobile, it was a holly-jolly month for only so long!
Our experts explain here the January Google SEO updates and their importance in the industry.
Google Page Experience coming to desktop
Our Dallas SEO consultant continues to speak about this update because it has been going on for over a year. An update that has continued to affect website ranking for this long of a timeframe needs the latest updates.
The latest one deals with the desktop version of websites.
The Google Page Experience and Core Web Vitals update is nothing short of new changes that are now requirements from Google; however, mobile changes were released, and desktop was put on hold.
In February, desktops will start to be monitored through this update. Google Search Console states, “We’ll be using page experience as part of our desktop ranking systems beginning of February 2022. The rollout will be complete by the end of March 2022.”
This means that the same three Core Web Vitals that are rolled out for mobile user experience will not pertain to the desktop version update.
Please see below for the following changes:
Unconfirmed update on January, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22
In the SEO world, an unconfirmed update, or Semrush detecting a higher amount of activity than normal is a sign that there are changes happening in the Google SERP. While changes do happen every day that affect websites at a smaller scale, these unpredicted updates can hit harder on specific website pages or even niches.
The SEO industry and Semrush reported that the dates above were showing higher volatility versus previous periods which can lead a Dallas SEO Consultant to expect a larger Core Update or Algorithm update in the near future.
The bright side of this all- Google has confirmed they do not release an algorithm before the weekend!
While no one can predict these changes in their SERP, for those updates that will affect websites across the board in many industries, Google will release statements on this.
What are some other updates?
While these are some of the top updates for this month, check out this blog for general Google updates! In the meantime, give us a call today to learn more about our SEO packages! Contact us today!
We can provide the SEO services you have been searching for!
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