Four reasons why you should switch from WordPress to ExpressionEngine

As a company is searching for a new website, their Content Management System (CMS) options should be part of this consideration. Many have heard of the more popular CMS’: WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix; but there is another one that we consider to be one of the best, ExpressionEngine.
Companies naturally gravitate towards WordPress because more often than not, there is a large majority of internal team members who are comfortable with this CMS.
As one of the leading Dallas web development agencies in the area, our favored CMS is ExpressionEngine.
This is why we prefer it over others and ExpressionEngine versus WordPress.
ExpressionEngine versus WordPress
At Dallas Media Group, our creative management firm understands that this opinion is a bit biased, but our team wants to say, we still design, develop and maintain WordPress websites.
However, our website development team prefers ExpressionEngine for a couple of main reasons that are very common WordPress problems.
There is no maintenance mode!
In WordPress, when a user is making changes on the site, it can get stuck in maintenance mode which means it is scheduled maintenance. This isn’t terrible, but if something disrupts the process, it can lock the site down.
On ExpressionEngine, this is not a common process for updates. If a user is updating the site, the changes happen instantly, and if the user “breaks” it, there is an edit history on the backend up to 50 revisions.
It takes our developers a matter of seconds to a couple of minutes to reverse the edit and return it to the original design, content or images.
For a website to perform specific tasks it might need a plugin. A plugin provides the website with the ability to automatically process the payments, e-commerce items and really anything else that a plugin can offer. There are hundreds of plugins so it is just about finding the right one for your needs.
The thing with WordPress plugins is that they can create havoc on the backend and even for customers. When it comes to ExpressionEngine versus WordPress is that plugins do not slow the site down, and if they do, it can easily be fixed without “breaking” the site.
Don’t get the spinning wheel of death because of an outdated plugin with WordPress.
While WordPress is the top CMS, 90 percent of all WordPress sites get hacked at one point. There are 90,000 attacks per minute.
These day-to-date threats can waste time and money and put customer’s information in danger depending on your industry. While no one can predict if a website is going to get hacked, it is important to have an extra layer of security in place for your site.
With ExpressionEngine, there are two points of security on the backend that a hacker has to get through. This provides an extra layer of security to ensure the investment into the website is worth it and customers stay safe.
One of the hardest things for a company is to explain to their customers that their website has been hacked and their information is vulnerable. Talk about crisis management.
These are the main differences of ExpressionEngine versus WordPress, and in our educated opinion, it is always worth it to spend more money to avoid all of the issues above.
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