The risks of an indecisive website design

A company’s website is the first impression of your company’s brand. It is imperative that this first impression be a positive one to ensure that this customer continues to come back again and again. So when it comes to a brand new website or redesign project, you want to make sure that you are avoiding inconsistency and indecisiveness because it can hurt a website’s overall branding and that first impression.
Our web design and development Dallas experts have compiled four ways that indecisive design can hurt your company’s online reputation over the course of the website’s lifespan.
1. Indecisive design can cost more money
Bad design can start to rack up, and in the moments of indecisive design, the outcome, in the end, can be less than perfect. Research shows that 38 percent of consumers will stop engaging with a poorly designed website.
When the design is indecisive and not cohesive, it can cause distrust from customers. A company only has one impression to make in the digital realm, and with the amount of competition in place, it can affect credibility, return rates, sales, digital marketing, and lead generation.
2. Launch dates can be pushed back
Timing is everything in the business world, and a website design and development project’s launch date that keeps getting pushed back can affect the entire project. It can take as little as six to eight weeks to finish a site; on the other hand, it can take over six to eight months depending on the number of changes requested.
The pushback of a website can affect your company’s marketing process, the quality of products or services, and even give competitors the advantage of launching their new website before yours.
3. Too many site changes can get confusing
When our web design and development Dallas agency works with our designers and developers, or the ones in your company, to launch a website, a sitemap is created.
A sitemap is an entire structure behind a website. It provides the necessary pages and elements needed for the site to be successful. Not only is it the blueprint to follow the website design and development portion of the website, but it affectsSEO strategies as well.
When a company launches a website of any size, it is beneficial to provide Google with a sitemap.
Google Developers states, “Search engines like Google read this file to crawl your site more efficiently. A sitemap tells Google which pages and files you think are important in your site, and also provides valuable information about these files.”
If a sitemap is consistently changed, it can create confusion and incohesiveness, and in return, this can confuse designers, developers, and Google alike.
4. Inconsistency in the final content
Between the new launch dates, new sitemaps, maybe branding, content, and marketing changes, inconsistencies can hurt the final website! This is probably named in the software as “final project.27.”
The content that is added to the website is one of the most important final touches. The content is written based upon each page's customer journey touchpoints, UX design, SEO strategies, and other elements.
The wrong content can affect the site’s overall first impression with customers and Google.
How Dallas Media Group can help you make the best decisions the first time around!
Our web design and development Dallas team is here to help you throughout the entire process. Give us a call to get started on your new project or a redesign project. We can handle both with our in-house designers and developers!
We can help you make the best decisions the first time around.
Get in touch with us!Posted In: Website Design, Website Development