Email marketing strategies for the holiday season

As summer begins to wind down, it is time for companies to start prepping for the holiday season. The months of November and December are considered some of the busiest. People are buying holiday gifts and taking vacations to spend time with their loved ones.
A good way to stay ahead of the game is by starting to think about your holiday digital marketing. It should include your social media, paid advertising and email marketing. As one of the best email marketing companies in Dallas, we want to share some email marketing strategies to use for this holiday season.
The benefits of holiday email marketing
Before we dive into the strategies, let us talk about why email marketing is so crucial for companies. A report has found that email is responsible for 20% of online holiday site sales. A reason why email marketing is so successful is that it targets your customers directly. Most people check their emails regularly, in fact, the average person checks their email about 15 times a day.
Email marketing for nonprofits and businesses helps generate more sales and donations. Emails can direct people to your website for sales or to make a quick donation. Plus, it gives marketers the opportunity to gain important information about customers.
Holiday email marketing tips
Promote your holiday sales early
If you want more people to visit your physical store or website, you should consider doing a holiday promotion. There are plenty of holidays you can make sales for, such as Black Friday, Christmas and New Years. To get people’s attention, be sure to promote your holiday sales early. Email marketing companies in Dallas recommend you begin your email marketing campaign several weeks ahead of your sale. Create a content calendar to help you space out your sales and keep track of it.
Take advantage of email segmentation
When you look at your company’s email list, not all of your subscribers are the same. Some of your customers have been loyal throughout the years, while others just learned about your company. To make your emails stand out and resonate, use email segmentation. This term refers to the division of email subscribers into smaller segments based on certain criteria. Some ways to divide your email list by are:
Customer journey
Coupon and discount users
Year-round supporters vs. seasonal supporters
Start using email automation
Throughout the holiday season, you’ll likely encounter many new potential customers. It is important you reach out to your potential buyers at the right time to convert them to loyal customers. That is where email automation can help. This marketing tool allows you to reach the right people at the right time. It can help you send an email out to new subscribers, people who make a purchase or anyone who forgot something in their shopping cart.
Get festive
If you are sending out emails during the holiday season, do not forget to be festive. Sending generic emails is one way to get people to unsubscribe from your email list. Design and write emails that relate to the holidays that are nearby. Some easy ways to make your emails more festive are by:
Using holiday-themed subject lines
Holiday email templates
Writing holiday gift guides
Hire one of the best email marketing companies in Dallas!
For all your holiday and future email marketing needs, let Dallas Media Group help! Our team of digital marketing experts can handle everything from writing the perfect email to sending out your campaigns. Contact us to get started.
Posted In: E-Mail Marketing