Social Media Day: The history of social media

Before social media, there was the telegraph, rotary phone, dial-up, email, and simply chatting with one another in person. With over 4.2B using social media worldwide, the world of likes, shares, engagement, comments, and retweets has exploded into an entire industry over the last 20 years.
The history of social media had a slow start, and within recent years, it exploded into the social networks we now know! It can be argued that MySpace was the platform to launch social media into the universe, and MySpace Tom could attest to this.
This is the history of social media and its impact that turned the Social Media Marketing industry is to one of the most sought-after digital strategies.
In the same timeframe, Instagram, TikTok, Vine, YouTube, Pinterest Tumblr, MyYearBook, Twitter and so many other famous social media platforms have launched, and while some more successful than others, it shows the everchanging trends in this industry.
Now, it is estimated that we spend at least two hours a day on social media, and countless research shows that we are addicted to these platforms! Do you even work out without posting it to your Facebook Group?
What was once developed for the simple fact of connecting with one another has now turned into an entire industry!
The history of social media brings way to social media marketing!
Social media marketing and management
If someone asked you 10 years ago if you would be working in social media marketing or advertising on that Facebook thing, would you have believed them?
The social media advertising sector has reached spending up towards $49B this year. Just two years ago in 2019, the average spend was $36.2B. Within the last decade, the emergence of social media and the ability for businesses to sign up and spend significantly less amount money versus traditional advertising has paved the way for the marketing our Social Media Strategists do today!
The entire notion behind social media marketing is that companies are directly reaching their target audience where they are spending the most time, on social media. This is done through strategic marketing research which allows for agencies and marketers to bring in organic and advertising lead generation for their companies and clients.
Social media marketing is a great space for companies and small businesses to market at! This is because it can bring in lead generation, but at the same time, it can bring brand awareness and humanizes your brand to speak with your audience on their level!
The strategy behind
Now, social media marketing is more than posting on Facebook! It is an ever-changing marketing strategy that takes place on social platforms with a strategy behind it all.
There is a reason your business should or shouldn’t be on LinkedIn. There is a reason why you don’t want to only publish promotions. There is a reason why you never want to mix personal and business pages together. Why you should avoid using the same hashtags on Instagram repeatedly. And the list could go on for hours.
Before Twitter was a thing, the # sign was known as the pound sign, but now, who looks at that and thinks it? Our team reads it in their heads as, “hashtag.”
All of this is done with KPIs set in place by businesses and companies, and at the end of the day, a company can no longer afford to not be on social media platforms!
The history of social media gave way to social media and the social media marketing industry we know today! For help with your social media marketing or any other digital marketing, give us a call today!
For help with your social media marketing or any other digital marketing
Give us a call today!Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing