Summer marketing ideas every small business should try

Summer is a super fun time for people of all ages. During this time, more people are enjoying outdoor activities and traveling to hot vacation spots. As great as summer is for people, it can be a pretty slow time for small businesses.
Many small businesses are currently worried about this summer’s success due to a large number of travelers and inflation. These factors have put many small businesses on edge. Not everything is bad news!
There are plenty of refreshing ways Dallas small businesses can market themselves to generate more leads. Here are some summer marketing ideas every small business should try that some of the best Dallas marketing services recommend.
Three summer marketing ideas for small businesses
Use holidays for sales
Between the start and end of summer, there are a lot of holidays that take place. Some honorable mentions include Father’s Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. As a business owner, you should take these summer holidays into consideration when planning your sales.
You can offer special discounts in-store or online. For example, you can give a special percentage or dollar-off amount. Giving these discounts may increase the likelihood of people doing business with you but also just helps to get them through your door.
Partner up with the community
One way to humanize your business is by supporting a charity. You can pick a nonprofit organization that fits your beliefs and actively support them throughout the year, especially during the summer. By doing so, you are helping raise money and awareness of the cause.
It can benefit your business by raising awareness of your business and helping build a relationship with potential customers. You can use digital marketing like email and social media to promote your partnership and increase website visits. Our Dallas marketing services team wants to share these partnership ideas you can use:
Hold a donation drive
Give a certain percentage of the sale to that cause
Hold a fundraising event
Sell an item and give that money to the cause
Do summer email marketing campaigns
If there is one thing that people check every single day, it is their cell phone. Out of those people more than 70 percent of them read their emails though a mobile app. That is why many marketers use email marketing to generate leads and build brand awareness.
Small businesses should continue to push email marketing campaigns all summer long. Even if people are on vacation, they are most likely to check their emails. That way you can still see your company. Some summer email marketing campaign ideas include:
Summer sales
Contests and giveaways
Customer testimonials
Hire Dallas marketing services to help you out!
If you need an extra helping hand planning and managing your digital marketing campaigns, let Dallas Media Group help. Our experienced digital marketers can help with everything from social media marketing to pay-per-click advertising. Contact us today to get started.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing